Soooo many things to talk about. Lets start with conventions... I think Anime North is kinda where I left off at since that's the point at which I became swamped with events. Anime North My convention video is now on YouTube. I (as always) didn't get as much footage or photos as I would have liked, but I think it turned out quite well regardless. Friday costume: Fluttershy (photos here) Saturday costume: Mag (photos here) Sunday costume: Splicer (photos here) whole new page, btw! Rusty Gear There are 2 videos, one of me vlogging at the Rusty Gear convention, and one which is a travelog of our adventures getting there and getting home. My photos from Rusty Gear are on their Facebook page. I was interviewed by The Boston Phoenix at the event. Friday costume: Triana (photos here) Saturday costume: "Date" Triana (no photos yet) Polaris Sorry, no photos or videos from Polaris this year. I didn't even cosplay, really. I just re-wore my "date" Triana costume on Saturday for something to wear. Atomic Lolipop Again, no photos, no video, and no cosplay on my part. I do talk about it though in this vlog. ConBravo I was honoured to be invited as a community guest at ConBravo! again this year, but as such I did a lot more panel/programming stuff than actual cosplaying. Whitless and I got some photos at the "Cosplay for a Cure" fundraiser booth. Saturday costume: Fluttershy (photos here) Sunday costume: Splicer (photos here) whole new page, btw! The Video Ninja did a good job with con-coverage on this one; I suggest checking out his video: ConBravo 2012 Retrospective Cosplay Picnic I made a new character-inspired hoodie for super-casual cosplay times - this time I made HELPeR, the family robot from Venture Bros. I finished it just in time for the Centre Island cosplay picnic, and added a few photos to my hoodie gallery. I'm planning to bring the hoodie to NYCC, and with any luck I will have a matching skirt to complete the look. I only took a few photos at the event itself, and they're posted here. Other new sets of photos...
SolarTempest snagged a few shots while I was wearing Kia's Champion costume at Con-G (photos in my modeling gallery) Stillvisions has posted the set we did at Wizard World Toronto last year with my Goth! Kim Pine outfit. I've added my favourites to my Kim gallery, and you can see all of the photos on Kevin's site. Back in the winter I did a shoot with the Oakville camera club modeling some clothes from the Bored Collective. There are shots from many of the photographers in my modeling gallery, and you can see Solartempest's whole set here. It's super, super late, but I was recently reminded that I never posted my Ad-Astra photos from 2012 - it's mostly ponies and my friends and I being goofy, so if you're interested in that kind of thing, click to check them out. Coming soon... A few days ago I did a shoot with Elemental with my Katamari Cousin Mag, along with Pan as Katniss and Straywind as Snow White - I am so looking forward to seeing and sharing the results! Shots are in the edit phase now, and in the meantime, she has a few teasers up to hold everyone over.
January 2025