Tri-Con was held in January at THE MUSEUM in Kitchener, Ontario. It was their first year running, and I was invited along with KW Iron Man to be a cosplay guest. Unfortunately, due to some outside forces beyond my control, I wasn't there for very long on Saturday, but did squeeze in playing moderator for Iron Man's panel about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and got in a shoot with Rob Olsen (for Geek Inked Magazine) and Everage with my Avengers-style Pepper. Sunday was a jam-packed day at the con though, between doing a panel on using foam for props and armor, a couple-shoot with Elemental (me in my office wear with RT - not that you can see it, and Stark in his MK 3 suit), and back to back cosplay 101 and 201 panels with Elle Cosplay and Lossien. My favourite photos from all the sets are in my "not-costumes" section here. I had a great time at Tri-Con this year and I'm glad that it was so successful that they're going to be doing it again! And speaking of geeky events in Kitchener, I'm also going to be at Nerd Fest 2014 coming up this Saturday March 29th. If you are in the area, I recommend checking it out!
I have made plush lumas (the fat little star critters from Mario Galaxy) before, but this year while looking for a way to use up leftover fleece from other projects I realized that I could customize the plushies and essentially dress them up as other characters. Then the whole project really ran away with me as I decided to make them for Christmas gifts for all my friends. Oops. Seventeen lumas later, here we are (and I still need to make a couple of basic lumas for friends of mine who are expecting)
To take a closer look, individual photos are all in an album on my "crafts" page! ... yes, I'm doing this in March. (on a personal note, I've been seriously sick with the cold/flu twice already this year, and between that and my job and travelling every other weekend and cons... I've been short on time and energy for site updates for sure.) 2013 was the year I realized I need to change how I cosplay. I went to more cons and events this year than any other so far, and at the same time, my costumes got more and more casual. Here are the new costumes I made/put together: Seven "costumes" certainly isn't bad, but only 3 were made from scratch, the rest are all purchased clothes with a couple of customized pieces added. To be honest, I'm disappointed in myself in regards to what I had planned for the year. But that's just the way things turned out. The only reason these aren't all part of my "not-costumes" page is that I already have galleries set up for other costumes from the source material. In terms of conventions, 2013 was a very busy year. I was at G-Anime, Con-G, PAX East, Anime North, Colossal Con, Cosplay Picnic (con equivalent), ConBravo!, Atomic Lollipop, New York Comic Con, Unplugged Expo, and Frost Con. Favourite con of the bunch was NYCC - none of the others even stand a chance when measured against getting to meet the creators of Venture Bros and having them compliment my costume. PAX East comes in second though for being a lot more friendly and community-minded than I had possibly expected, and because I got to meet some of my American internet friends IRL for the first time.
The biggest let-down of the year was Frost Con. It was a spur of the moment decision to go and say hi to friends who were there and take photos with Elemental and KW Iron Man. Unfortunately the con was dealing with a last-minute change of venue and the space they were in was WAY too small for the number of people attending. "Crowded" is an understatement. We managed to find an empty area by the entrance, took some photos, and then took off. I couldn't handle the absolutely packed space. And that pretty much wraps up my year. Stay tuned next time for what's going on in 2014! |
January 2025